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Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 5:50 pm


  • Topics
  • 20120927
    News Puzzle11

    Puzzle Crazy Jumping Night

    What? Social event
    When? Sunday 30-09-12 20h00 Amsterdam time
    Where? Piken Square server
    Who? Everyone in Whitestar, no matter your class and level

    More details

    • Gathering...

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 5645
  • 20120920
    News Ws_eve10

    Call to arm!

    What? WvWvW event
    When? Sunday 23-09-12 20h00 Paris time
    Where? Piken Square server
    Who? Everyone in Whitestar, no matter your class and level

    More details

    • We will create...

    by Elloa - Comments: 1 - Views: 1645
  • 20120906

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 646
  • 20120805

    What's new in Whitestar in August 2012

    News Ws_end11

    Whitestar is no more in Tera
    It has been a painfull decision that has hit many of us deeply. But it has to be done. Whitestar doesn't exist anymore in Tera....

    by Elloa - Comments: 3 - Views: 1346
  • 20120712
    News Whites10

    I've never clearly expressed the purpose I had in mind for Whitestar. Officialy it was simply a cozy place where to hang out with friends and playing games together, keep building friendships along the years and not lose contact even when stopping to play.
    But my real purprose was beyond that. I'll reveal to you what was my goal, what I tried to create, how it was an utopy. But..I think, and I...

    by Elloa - Comments: 4 - Views: 957
  • 20120425
    What's new in Whitestar in April 2012?

    News Pirate11

    Yo-ho Yo-ho!

    We are back on Minecraft, and more active than ever in a very new server. We spawned in a deep jungle and we ended to create a Pirate themed fortified village...

    by Elloa - Comments: 2 - Views: 861
  • 20120426
    News Twitchad

    We have been waiting one, two or three years for this game. And now, we can play it! Finaly!
    If you do not have the game yet. If you are still hesitating to buy it. Or if you want to watch the very first step of Whitestar in Tera - the real game, this time - we will be Streaming Tera the whole week end!
    Click the picture for a link!

    by Elloa - Comments: 1 - Views: 634
  • 20120416
    News Whites30

    During 5 weekends, we tested, we enjoyed the Closed Beta of Tera. We choose our race, our classe. We enjoyed some BAM hunts, some Dungeons together, some deathmatches. We witnessed guild wars, and tournaments.

    We ended our last evening in Pora Elinu, after a long ride through the lands of Arborea, escorting our low level, hunting some monsters, and killing some players. It has been a wonderfull...

    by Elloa - Comments: 1 - Views: 655
  • 20120413
    News Stream11

    Tera PVP Tournament streamed by BestFriends and Whitestar.

    by Elloa - Comments: 1 - Views: 796
  • 20120404

    by Elloa - Comments: 1 - Views: 701
  • 20120322
    News Poster11

    Name : Whitestar
    Server : Essenia (beta) – Unknow PVP server (release)
    Goal : social + end game PVE + World PVP + Vanarch
    Future Members : aiming for 30
    Recruitement : OPEN

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 1024
  • 20120321
    What's new in Whitestar in march 2012?

    News Pic310

    Reajusting our community

    • This month , we have focus on re- writting different thread that was introducing Whitestar, to be sure they present clearly our goals and...

    by Elloa - Comments: 1 - Views: 819
  • 20120228

    Every week end, we will be streaming Eu beta and NA beta. Different players will be streaming, so you will not be stuck one class and play style.

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 790
  • 20120223
    What's new in Whitestar in February 2012?

    News Whites26

    Whitestar is preparing for Tera

    The most important news of the month is that Whitestar is working hard to prepare our guild for Tera....

    by Elloa - Comments: 3 - Views: 860
  • 20120203
    News Whites25

    Due to the important numbers of applications, we are closing our recruitement for now. Whitestar do not want to expand too much and too fast. We want to take the time to get to know every players that have applied till now, be able to choose at our pace, and welcome properly every new Whitestar members. To preserve the stability and quality of our...

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 689
  • 20120120
    What's new in Whitestar in January 2012?

    News Whitet11

    Whitestar change side

    We have played SWTOR for about a month on the Empire side. A dozen of our members reached max level and enjoyed the introduction...

    by Elloa - Comments: 1 - Views: 972
  • 20120112
    News 90490210

    What's a star? A star is a ball of energy that enlight the night, dispell darkness and shine for everyone. It allows life, it spill brightness, love and generosity. It's a gift, a light for us to remember the origins.
    White is the One color, the sum of all others, the purest, the brightest. It's the color of univseral love, of purity, of honnesty, of beeing one. It's the color...

    by Elloa - Comments: 3 - Views: 888
  • 20111222
    News Swtor_18

    by Yima - Comments: 15 - Views: 916
  • 20111221
    News Swtor_20


    Empire Guild
    Lord Calypho - RpPVP Eu

    Despite the abominable queue on our server, we had a great launch. Most of us started in the Early Access stage, our guild had been ready very soon, and we had been able to enjoy some gaming time together. Flashpoint, PVP, Heroic quest. We had great time together.
    On this screenshot are missing : Thremero, Loden, Geir, Maitea,...

    by Elloa - Comments: 5 - Views: 1114
  • 20111208
    News Images10

    Two years already that this forum had been created, gathering step by step the community that we are today. A strong community that shares a wonderful intrawebz friendship.
    To celebrate whitestar birthday,...

    by Elloa - Comments: 9 - Views: 1062
  • 20111201
    News Screen27

    We had been insomniac for three days, eating only frozen food, ignoring the phone calls and the door bell, drinking cofee to keep going, braving thunderstorm for some, avoiding family duties for others...But we were there, for this historical moment of the MMO history! And we had great fun!

    Amuatama: Most epic Beta eva cant wait to...

by Elloa - Comments: 2 - Views: 779
  • 20111124
    News Swtor-11

    Who is exited? Who is impatient? Tomorow friday 25 november at 17h, most of us in whitestar will have the chance of playing together in the SWTOR stress betatest
    As promised, we will play Republic on a same server to stay together and please our Republic partisans...

    by Elloa - Comments: 8 - Views: 757
  • 20111117

    Memories of our adventures in K-Tera. This is a short compilation of our fights against the Bad Ass Monsters of Tera.
    We had some huge fun while hunting them. The feeling to play together, and to encounter such challenge during the leveling curve was really entertaining.
    Unfortunately, many fights are missing as I had troubles with Fraps most of the time. I'm remembering...

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 939
  • 20111116
    News Skyrim11

    Have you wondered why the whitestar community is more quite lately? Why we are writting less Star Wars post, why there is no more screenshots of our constructions in our Minecraft, and why the usual chit chat is so silent? Even Battlefield III is deserted.

    We are all, or atleast most of us playing Skyrim!...

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 1051
  • 20111106
    What's new in Whitestar in November 2011?

    News Swtor-10

    SWTOR : Whitestar rally the Empire

    It toke us three polls, a lot of discussions, a lot of back and for to finaly settle our choice. Republic had been close to be our final choice several time, but the...

    by Elloa - Comments: 1 - Views: 757
  • 20111011
    What's new in Whitestar in octobre 2011?

    News Swtorc10

    Republic or Empire ?

    Whitestar has still not decided which side to rally in SWTOR. The first poll had been estimated unvalid, another one is open, but nothing is done yet. The...

    by Elloa - Comments: 2 - Views: 870
  • 20110819
    News Hothea10

    We almost all agreed in whitestar to create a guild for SWTOR! This guild will gather old World of Warcraft members, old friends, and the new future Tera guild. The enthousiasm is rising like the tide, and we will have a very motivated...

    by Elloa - Comments: 6 - Views: 1532
  • 20110813

    News Who_is13

    We are all waiting with impatience the big titles that will come out end of 2011 and spring 2012 : StarWar the old Rebublic, Guild War2, Tera, The Secret World. Whitestar is planing to try out all of those games!
    While we are still at the premice of an organisation for most titles, our guild for Tera is taking shape. We have already 17 future members and most of us are already testing the game...

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 684
  • 20110616

    News 57888_11

    Hello everyone!

    Are you hyped for Tera after the E3 review? Do you want more information? Well, Tera won five press awards (Best of PC and Best MMO from Game Informer, Best MMO from MMO Crunch, Best Combat...

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 8991
  • 20110613
    News Whites11

    Hello everyone,

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 684
  • 20110604
    News 8_tera-online-211x300

    Tera is looking more and more promising. I'm following very closely news, and all fresh informations.Wonderfull landscape, beautiful characters and best armor set ever made, unique and exiting game play, impressive monsters, and giant sized bosses in open air or inside dungeons, chain quest and story lines including cinematics, a political system with elections wich allow players to really control...

    by Elloa - Comments: 0 - Views: 713
  • 20110131
    Whitestar Progression

    21-05-11: Conclave of Wind, first kill
    News Wowscr28

    Present : Industria, Oougho, Vareen, Holera, Inuki, Basu, Alakina, Crèmepriest, Smarskarn, Elloa


    by Elloa - Comments: 25 - Views: 1747
  • 20110511
    News Rsz_1t10

    whitestar have open a new forum "Other Games". Come and share with us your favourite games, or read the different discussions which just started about the future MMO : Tera and Guild Wars2. It's most likely you will find some us playing on those, maybe even under the <Whitestar> banner! Would...

    by Elloa - Comments: 5 - Views: 1278
  • 20110510
    Hello everyone,

    As the title said, I'm looking for moderators and writters. If that interest you, please answer this thread with a note.

    What's a Moderator?

    A moderator take in charge a specific forum. He/she will be sure every threads are kept respectful and nice (wich should not be a problem here considering how nice are our members), but also clear, in the subject, understandible.
    The moderator will also make interesting thread stickies, writte announce thread when something need to be announced, and clear the forum when...

    by Elloa - Comments: 3 - Views: 632
  • 20110506
    News Who_is12

    All along those years that I've spend in the virtual world, how many friends do I've met and how many friends have faded away ?
    This how it happens in the real world, we meet some persons, we share a moment of our lives together, then our ways continue in different directions. There is nothing sad about this. Its just how it is. And on the web, this will happens even faster, because the connection among players...

    by Elloa - Comments: 2 - Views: 845
  • 20110329
    Whitestar killed Julak-Doom (and a lot of Horde)

    News Wowscr68

    News Wowscr69

    Presents : Murhamies (Aliny),...

    by Elloa - Comments: 4 - Views: 1069
  • 20101207

    Name: Eledoza Whitestar, Starlight of <Whitestar>

    Age: 202 (teenager, like 14, 16 for human standart)

    Height: 1m95

    Weight: 72

    Body Type: Thin and gracefull.

    Face Type: Exact copy of her twin sister Elenoza, the difference is mainly in a more cheerfull expression. Her red lips are often offering a soft smile.


    by Elloa - Comments: 1 - Views: 627

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